Trust to hope. Hope to faith.

Peter sees vision of unclean foods. Acts 10:9
God speaks through the day-to-day dynamics of our humanity.  And He doesn’t have a problem with it.

It’s interesting that the vision Peter saw about eating unclean foods, was in the context of being hungry. He got hungry when he started praying, so he went and asked the cooks to make something for him. Apparently he didn’t see anything wrong with interrupting his prayer to order a lunch. The fact that he saw the vision in this context could potentially make it easy to doubt the vision was from the Lord and just think “I was hungry. No wonder I’m seeing weird visions about food.” I wonder if God would have given him a different vision if he wasn’t hungry at the time?
I’m sure there have been a time or three when I disregarded what could have been from the Lord, thinking it was “something I ate” or “a movie I watched” or circumstances in my life that were playing into my imagination.

Whenever the Lord reveals something or speaks to us, there’s always plenty of rotten apples of doubt and fear laying around. They’re easy to pick up. If that’s what you’re focusing on.
Many legitimate prophesies sound foolish or unrealistic. Until they’re fulfilled.
Trust is Faith’s brother. Just as Doubt is related to Fear.
When Jesus prophesied about demolishing the temple and it being rebuilt in three days one group was furious. The other was confused, but chose to put one foot in front of the other and trust him even though they didn’t understand.
It’s normal to feel confused. Just as it’s normal to feel fear.
You can feel fear, but still act courageously. Similarly you can be confused, but choose to trust.
Trust leads to hope, and gardeners have proven that hope is the best soil to grow faith in.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on yourown understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths.” – David the giant killer.

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